
Various functions for CSP, including Lua table with structured content of the slot.
  • getSlotData
  • afExportSlots
  • getSlotContent
  • ClassToClassDefinitionPage
  • preprocess
  • getParentArg
  • gmatch
Uses WSSlot extension; copied from



slotData was introduced in a later version. Not working here at the time of writing.


Luafout op regel 29: attempt to call field 'slotData' (a nil value)

cf. slotdata parser function {{#slotdata:main Boek/1878866 }}



Geloof niet zomaar alles, ook niet op andere planeten! Hier probeert een oplichter je een spreuk aan te smeren die nooit getest is, daar krijg je een gloednieuw ruimteschip aangeboden waar later wel iets mis mee blijkt. Pas ook op bij ruimteraces of drakengevechten, want overal willen mensen of andere wezens geld aan je verdienen. Laat deze bundel een waarschuwing zijn! Word je wakker met een kunstbeen, blijk je bijvoorbeeld zomaar een proefpersoon te zijn in een bijzonder project...

Same as

Geloof niet zomaar alles, ook niet op andere planeten! Hier probeert een oplichter je een spreuk aan te smeren die nooit getest is, daar krijg je een gloednieuw ruimteschip aangeboden waar later wel iets mis mee blijkt. Pas ook op bij ruimteraces of drakengevechten, want overal willen mensen of andere wezens geld aan je verdienen. Laat deze bundel een waarschuwing zijn! Word je wakker met een kunstbeen, blijk je bijvoorbeeld zomaar een proefpersoon te zijn in een bijzonder project...

getSlotContent nowiki

local p = {}

function p.getSlotData(page,slot)

This function returns a Lua table with structured content of the slot.

function arguments:
- page (optional): pagename of the page for which you want the slot content, defaults to current page
- slot (optional): slot of which you want the content, defaults to "main"

debug console tests:
p.getSlotData('Wiki:Testpagina sidebar code','ws-data') 
p.getSlotData('Template:Sidebar item','ws-class-props') 
function p.getSlotData(page,slot)
  	-- get page from function arguments or default to current page
  	if page == nil or page == '' then
    	page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  	-- get slot from function arguments or default to main
  	if slot == nil or slot == '' then
    	slot = 'main'
    -- get data from the slot (works for both json and wikitext slots)
    local slotData = {}
    slotData = mw.slots.slotData(slot,page)

    --mw.log('slotData = .. ')
    return slotData

function p.afExportSlots(frame)

frame args:
slots 	(text)	comma-separated list of slots, defaults to "ws-class-props,ws-base-props,ws-data"
page 	(text)	defaults to current page

{{#invoke:CspFunctions|afExportSlots|page=Template:Sidebar item|slots=ws-base-props,ws-class-props}}

debug console tests:
=p.afExportSlots(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title="whatever",args={["page"]="Template:Sidebar item",["slots"]="ws-base-props,ws-class-props"}}) 
function p.afExportSlots(frame)

-- get slots and page from frame args or set default value
local slots = frame.args["slots"]
if slots == nil or slots == "" then slots = "ws-class-props,ws-base-props,ws-data" end
local page = frame.args["page"]
if page == nil or page == "" then page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText end
-- get slot data for each slot and add to data table
local data = {}
data[1] = {}
for slot in string.gmatch(slots, '([^,]+)') do
    local slotData = p.getSlotData(page,slot)
    if slotData == nil then slotData = "" end 
    data[1][slot] = slotData

function p.getSlotContent(frame)

{{#invoke:CspFunctions|getSlotContent|page=Template:Sidebar item|slot=ws-class-props}}
{{#invoke:CspFunctions|getSlotContent|page=Template:Sidebar item|slot=ws-class-props|nowiki}}

This function returns a string with the exact content of a slot.

frame arguments:
- page (optional): pagename of the page for which you want the slot content, defaults to current page
- slot (optional): slot of which you want the content, defaults to "main"
- 1 (optional: nowiki / preprocess): uses mw.text.nowiki or frame:preprocess on the content before returning it

debug console tests:
p.getSlotContent{args={['page']='Wiki:Testpagina sidebar code',['slot']='ws-data'}}
p.getSlotContent{args={['page']='Template:Sidebar item',['slot']='ws-class-props'}}
function p.getSlotContent(frame)
  	-- get page from frame arguments or default to current page
    local page = frame.args["page"]
  	if page == nil or page == '' then
    	page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  	-- get slot from frame arguments or default to main
    local slot = frame.args["slot"]
  	if slot == nil or slot == '' then
    	slot = 'main'
    -- get data from the slot
    local slotContent = mw.slots.slotContent(slot,page)
    if slotContent == nil then slotContent = "" end
    local result = slotContent
    -- apply the nowiki or preprocess options if needed
    if frame.args[1] == "nowiki" then
    	result = mw.text.nowiki(slotContent)
    elseif frame.args[1] == "preprocess" then
    	result = frame:preprocess(slotContent)
    --mw.log('result = .. ')
    return result

function p.ClassToClassDefinitionPage(frame)

This function returns the Class definition pagename based on a class input.

returns "Wiki:Class definition/Person"

If you want to call this inside another Lua function, make sure to include the class
as a frame argument, for example:
returns "Wiki:Class definition/Person"

frame args used:
1 	(text) class, for example "Person" or "Application page"

function p.ClassToClassDefinitionPage(frame)
  local class = frame.args[1]
  if class == "" or class == nil then
  local classDefinitionPage = "Wiki:Class definition/" .. class
  return classDefinitionPage

function p.preprocess(frame)

{{#invoke:CspFunctions|preprocess|_content={{#time:r|now}} }}
{{#invoke:CspFunctions|preprocess|_content={{{Intro|}}} {{#time:r|now}} |_args=parent args}}

frame args used:
_content	(wikitext) for example "{{#time:r|now}}"
_args 		(optional: "parent args") use this to add parent args to frame args, so that {{{Example|}}} 
			parameter calls inside the wikitext will work with parameters from a parent page.
			Note that parent args do not overwrite frame args if they have the same name.

debug console tests:
=p.preprocess(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{args={["Intro"]="The current time is: "}}:newChild{title="test",args={["_content"]="{{{Intro|}}} {{#time:r|now}}",["_args"]="parent args"}}) 
function p.preprocess(frame)
  local content = frame.args["_content"]
  if frame.args["_args"] == "parent args" then
    modifiedArgs = {}
    for key,value in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do modifiedArgs[key] = value end
    for key,value in pairs(frame.args) do modifiedArgs[key] = value end
    modifiedFrame = frame:newChild{args=modifiedArgs}
    return modifiedFrame:preprocess(content)
    return frame:preprocess(content)

function p.getParentArg(frame)


This function loops through  parents using frame:getParent until the specified parameter 
is found in one of the parent frames or  the maximum number of 10 iterations is reached.

debug console tests
function p.getParentArg(frame)
  local i = 1
  local result = nil
  local parent = frame
  while i <= 10 and result == nil and parent ~= nil do
    parent = parent:getParent()
    if parent ~= nil then
      result = parent.args[frame.args[1]]
      mw.log("i = " .. tostring(i) .. ", result = " .. tostring(result) )
      mw.log("i = ".. tostring(i) .. ", no parent")
    i = i+1
  if result == nil then result = "" end
  return result

function p.gmatch(frame)

This function applies the pattern matching function mw.ustring.match to an input string and returns a string containing matched values (only unique values).

frame args used:
1 	input to which pattern matching will be applied
2 	pattern 
3 	optional separator, defaults to ","
4 	optional conjunction (separator between final 2 items), defaults to separator

examples use case:
{{#invoke:CspFunctions|gmatch|'sub-header sidebar' 'main sidebar'|([^ \'"]+)|,}} will return: sub-header,sidebar,main

debug console test:
=p.gmatch(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{args={"'sub-header sidebar' 'main sidebar'",'([^ \'"]+)',","}}) 

function p.gmatch(frame)
  local layoutAreas = frame.args[1]
  local pattern = frame.args[2]
  local separator = frame.args[3]
  local conjunction = frame.args[4]
  if separator == nil then separator = "" end
  if conjunction == nil then conjunction = separator end
  local resultTable = {}
  local duplicateCheck = {}
  for item in mw.ustring.gmatch(layoutAreas,pattern) do
    if duplicateCheck[item] == nil then
      duplicateCheck[item] = true
  return mw.text.listToText(resultTable,separator,conjunction)

return p