Module:Format for sorting
Test using main:
hallo hallo d d hello this is 45567 ff
test using textString
series 45.567.1 ? = series 00045.00567.00001 ?
- Roman numeral
00011--[[ -- {{#invoke:Strip title for sorting|main|...}} ]]-- local mDiacritics = require('Module:Diacritics') local mConvertNumerals = require('Module:ConvertNumerals') local mPadNumbers = require('Module:Pad numbers') local p = {} local function removePunctuation( str ) local str = str str = string.gsub( str, "%-?[%p%.]+", "" ) local addchars ={ "‘", "’", "“", "”" } for i, v in ipairs( addchars ) do str = string.gsub(str, v, "") end if str == nil then error(" No string received. " ) else return str end end local function removeDiacritics( str ) str = mDiacritics.strip_diacrits( str ) return str end local function padNumbers( str, padlength ) str = mPadNumbers.replaceNumbers( str, padlength ) return str end local function convertToArabic( str ) newstr = mConvertNumerals.runToArabicNum( str, str ) if newstr == str then -- If newstr is equal to default, there is nothing to convert return str else paddedstr = mPadNumbers.replaceNumbers( newstr, 5 ) return paddedstr end end --[[ Currently used for strings of type Page with appropriate collation ]]-- function p.main( frame ) local str = "" str = mw.text.unstrip(frame.args[1]) str = removeDiacritics( str ) str = string.lower( str ) str = removePunctuation( str ) if str == nil then error("...") else return str end end --[[ Used for strings of type Text, hence the need for padding with leading zeroes ]]-- function p.textString( frame ) local str = "0" str = mw.text.unstrip(frame.args[1]) str = string.lower( str ) str = removeDiacritics( str ) --str = removePunctuation( str ) str = padNumbers( str, 5 ) str = convertToArabic( str ) if str == nil then error("...") elseif str == "" then return "0" else return str end end return p